
What is the Gospel?

3 Circles

Adapted from NAMB illustration

Would you say that this world is perfect?

Based on the existence of disease, disaster, broken relationships, and death, we can conclude that this world is not perfect, but broken.

But why?







God didn’t first create the world this way. He created the world very good.

This is why we see some beauty in the world. In nature, the stars, a newborn baby and the love of the parents.

So what happened?



God created the first people, Adam and Eve, to be in perfect relationship with Him. However, Adam and Eve disobeyed God. This is what sin is and this caused separation from God. (Gen. 1-3)

Unfortunately, we all sin and contribute to the brokenness of this world and are separated from God. (Rom. 3:23)


a.  良い教育を受け、良い仕事に就き、それで問題が解決することを望む

b. 良い行いをする、宗教的になる


c. ドラッグ、セックスを通して気持ちよくなろうとする

d. 考えないようにする。

Some people try to fix the brokenness by

a. Getting a good education and job, hoping that that will solve their problems

b. Doing good things or being religious

Or some people try to escape the problems by

c. Doing drugs or having sex

Or d. some others don’t even care.


However, all these things do not solve the root problem of sin, they just bring you back to the broken and sinful world and you continue in your sin.


神様は、イエス・キリストを通して人となられました。イエス様は完璧な人生を送り、まったく罪を犯さなかったのに、十字架にかけられました。3日目にイエス様は死からよみがえり、神様であるということを証明し、それを信じるすべての人に希望を与えました。 (イザヤ書53章;ヨハネ1:1−18;コリント人第一15:3−5;コリント人第二5:21;ペテロ第一1:3−4)

But God so loved the world, that He already had a plan to save man and the world from sin. To restore everything that sin messed up. (John 3:16; Eph 1:7-10)

God became a man in Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a perfectly righteous life and even though he did not sin at all, he was crucified on a cross. On the third day, he rose from the dead proving that He is God and offering hope to anyone who would receive it. (Isaiah 53; John 1:1-18; 1 Cor. 15:3-5; 2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Peter 1:3-4)





Jesus is the only way to be free from sin and from brokenness. If you repent from your sin and trust in Jesus as your King and hope, all your sin is forgiven by God and you are made into a new creation. (Acts 4:12; 1 John 1:9; 2 Cor 5:17)

Through Jesus, your relationship with God is restored back to the original design.  (2 Cor 5:18; Col 1:22)

God wants everyone to be restored back to Him through Jesus, so we are to go back to the broken world and tell others about Jesus. (Matthew 28:18-20; 2 Peter 3:9)

Which circle describes you? Which one do you want to be in?


In a sentence, the gospel is:


The good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.


Jesus came to save sinners.


Jesus came to restore everything that sin corrupted.


Through faith, we can have a restored relationship with God for eternity because Jesus died as a substitute for our sins.

色々な福音の聖句・Some Gospel Verses :

創世記 (Genesis) 3:15;イザヤ書 (Isaiah 53);ヨハネ (John) 3:16-19, 5:24;使徒の働き (Acts) 4:12, 10:43;

ローマ人 (Romans) 3:23-26, 10:9;コリント人第二 (2 Corinthians) 5:21; ガラテヤ人 (Galatians) 2:16;

エペソ人 (Ephesians) 2:4-6;テモテ第一 (1 Timothy) 2:5-6;ヨハネ第一 (1 John) 4:10