地域教会・Local Churches







If you are a believer and disciple of Jesus Christ, you are not meant to walk this life alone.

In God’s wisdom, he has provided the church, a body, a temple, and family of believers, to worship God together, love one another, encourage one another, pray for one another, etc. (To view a summary of the other “one another” passages and what our members strive for, see our church covenant here)

The word “church” means gathering, assembly, or congregation, thus, to be a Christian is to gather with other Christians. Therefore, we encourage all disciples of Jesus Christ to commit to be a member of a local church, whether at our church or another local church.

We are NOT the perfect church nor will we ever be and neither are there or will be any perfect churches until the new heavens and new earth when Christ restores all things. However, that does not mean that we will never stop striving to be holy or mature in Christ.

Another caveat: these church recommendations are also not a complete and exhaustive list of healthy and faithful churches in Sendai. We are aware that there are many good churches not on this list. These churches are ones where the staff have personally gone to or know the pastor of and faithfully proclaim the gospel and the Word of God, thus can give such recommendations.

May the Lord lead you and guide you to a church community where you can glorify God and grow as a disciple of Christ.

日本語礼拝・Japanese only speaking:

仙台のぞみ教会 https://www.sendainozomi.com

キリスト兄弟団仙台教会 https://kyodaidansendai.wixsite.com/sendaichurch

オアシスチャペル https://oasis-chapel.com

塩釜聖書バプテスト教会 https://www.shiogamachurch.org

バイリンガル礼拝・Bilingual service:

Grace Center Sendai https://www.gracecentersendai.com

Praise Community Church https://www.pccsendai.com

Above map used with permission from www.thebiblejourney.org